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This page aims to show the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) pandemic on traffic pattern in Indiana state. Traffic data from 01/01/2020 to 10/29/2020 (most recent update) are collected from 52 continuous traffic count sites (Data credit: Indiana DOT) to provide a representative sample of statewide traffic patterns.

Figure. Distribution of 52 continuous traffic count sites.

Daily traffic pattern

Change of daily traffic

Figure. Daily traffic in 2020. (Green bars represent weekend data and black line represents the date of stay at home order)

  • Daily traffic decreases after COVID-19 spreads but it does not decrease continuously.
  • Daily traffic recover since middle of April

Traffic counts of different type of vehicles

Change of daily traffic of cars and trucks

Figure. Daily traffic of cars and trucks. (Green bars represent weekend data and black line represents the date of stay at home order)

  • Number of cars becomes fewer since travels decrease due to the stay at home order.
  • Number of trucks contributes more to the total daily traffic.
  • Number of cars recovers since middle of April.

Speed pattern

a. Change of median speed

Figure. Median speed of vehicles. (Green bars represent weekend data and black line represents the date of stay at home order)

  • Median speed increases after COVID-19 spreads.

b. Ratio of vehicles at high speed

Figure. Ratio of vehicle at a speed greater than 85 mph. (Green bars represent weekend data and black line represents the date of stay at home order)

  • Number of vehicles at high speed increases after COVID-19 spreads.


Ratio of traffic crash

Figure. Ratio of crash (ratio = Number of crashes/Average daily traffic collected from 52 continuous traffic count sites. Green bars represent weekend data and black line represents the date of stay at home order)

  • Ratio of traffic crash decreases after COVID-19 spreads.